Auditions for the BYU Concert Bands are administered by the studio professors for each instrument during the first week of fall and winter semesters. Each professor’s audition materials vary from year to year. Most auditions consist of scales, sight-reading, and prepared pieces. To receive more information or materials, click on your instrument below
Updated for Fall 2024 Instructions: Please prepare two contrasting pieces that demonstrate your skill. These pieces can be from solo clarinet repertoire, orchestral excerpts, chamber music, etc. One piece should be fast and show off your finger speed/dexterity and tonguing ability; the other should be slow and pretty to show off your musicality. You will also be asked to play a scale of your choice (tongued one direction and slurred the other). There may also be a short sight-reading.
You should not register for any of the auditioned groups until after the audition results have been announced.
Updated for Fall 2024 Audition Instructions/Materials Auditions for BYU Large Ensembles for Fall 2024 will be held on the first day of school (9/4) in Dr. Tran’s office (MB 4011). Please arrive early to fill out an audition form.
Updated for Fall 2024 If youare NOT a music major, please see the special instructions below (in italics):
1—CHROMATIC SCALE (slurred, from low Bb to your highest note, and back down ascending/descending).
2—MAJOR SCALES (full range, slurred) – 4-5 will be randomly selected for you to play at the audition. (If you are NOT a music major, you may choose 2-3 scales yourself to play)
3—MAJOR ARPEGGIOS (full range) – 4-5 will be randomly selected for you to play at the audition. If you are a new student to the BYU Bassoon Studio and haven’t spent much time on arpeggios, just do the best you can. (If you are NOT a music major, arpeggios are not required.)
4—ETUDE (Ludwig Milde: Scales and Chords, Op. 24) – Etude No. 14 (see link below; the etude begins on page 15). You should learn the entire etude, although, I may not listen to the whole etude at the audition. (If you are NOT a music major, 3-4 lines of this etude would be enough to play for the audition.)
Updated for Fall 2024 Auditions for ensemble placement will take place on September 4th.
Please prepare the following repertoire for the audition:
Mozart Horn Concerto No. 3, movement 1; measures 28 through 69
Shostakovich Symphony No. 5, Movement 1, First Horn; Rehearsal 17 through 21. Note that the bass clef sections are “old bass clef.” They should be played an octave higher than written.
Beethoven Symphony No. 7, Movement 1, First Horn; measures 86 through 110. Note that this is horn in A; transpose up a major third.
Brahm Symphony No. 3, Movement 3, First Horn; measures 97 through 110. Note that this is horn in C; transpose down a perfect fourth.