Undergraduate Admissions - BYU School of Music Skip to main content

Undergraduate Admissions

Prospective Students must apply to both BYU and the School of Music

Be familiar with desired degree program

Applicants may only apply/audition on one instrument/studio.

Explore Our Programs

Check all deadlines and necessary materials for application

December 1st

Deadline to submit the School of Music Application

All students must apply to both BYU and the School of Music. Deadlines for the BYU application are different and may be found here. Students often do not find out whether they have been accepted to the university until after their audition with the School of Music.

First Week in January

Classical Voice, Violin, Piano, and Commercial Music applicants only: 
Notification date for live audition invitations. Those invited who cannot attend live auditions may still be considered for the program.

Last Saturday in January

Live auditions held on BYU campus.
You may complete either a recorded or a live audition. Auditions can be scheduled online after the School of Music application has been received by the School of Music office.

Apply for admission to Brigham Young University

To be considered for admission into the School of Music you must apply to Brigham Young University.

Begin BYU Application

Apply for admission to the School of Music
Gather Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation are submitted electronically as part of the online application. You will enter the email address of your recommender and they will receive an email with a link to complete the recommendation form. The recommendation will attach to your application once it is completed. Applications can be submitted before Letters of Recommendations are received.

At least one letter of recommendation is required, but you may submit more if desired.

Letter of Recommendation FAQ

Learn about Financial Aid & Scholarhips

You may be eligible for many types of aid. We strongly advise taking the time to apply to each of these aid types.

University Level
School of Music
Financial Aid
Need-based Awards
Audition with your primary instrument or voice

All School of Music applicants must audition on an instrument or voice.
Once the application materials have been submitted to the School of Music, the student may either schedule a time to perform a live audition at BYU or submit a recorded audition.

Each studio has its own preferences for submitting recorded auditions. Please check the audition requirements for each studio.

Live auditions are held in the Music Building on BYU Campus. During live auditions, it may not be possible for the judges to hear all the prepared music. Often, judges will request representative sections of audition pieces. Only those auditioning are allowed in the audition studio. For live auditions, piano accompaniment is not required, but the student may bring an accompanist if they like. Applicants for degrees other than the BA in Music or Music Performance must audition for their given instrument and submit additional materials for their prospective major.

Audition Information