The following application process is for new students who are applying to the BYU School of Music Commercial Music Program. If you are already a BYU music major and would like to transfer into commercial music, please continue down to the section entitled “Application Process – Current Music Majors”.
New students wishing to apply to the Commercial Music Program must do 4 things:
Apply to BYU. Follow all requirements for General Admission HERE
Apply to the School of Music. Fill out the School of Music application HERE including any required letter(s) of recommendation
Audition with your instrument (see the “Audition” section below)
Submit a portfolio to Commercial Music. Submissions are due December 1st.
All students applying to the School of Music (including transfer students and current BYU students) must complete a live or recorded audition. You must follow the audition requirements for your chosen instrument and prepare the necessary repertoire listed online HERE (and select the appropriate tab for your instrument). Live auditions are typically held on the last Saturday in January. Pay close attention to other listed deadlines that may be associated with your instrument.
Contemporary singers intending to major in Commercial Music have one additional audition option: the contemporary voice studio. Students are cautioned that contemporary voice studio openings are extremely limited. Click on the contemporary voice tab above for more information.
There is also an option for potential Commercial Music students to audition for the Music Technology Studio, and openings are also very limited. Click on the Music Tech Studio tab above for more information.
The portfolio consists of three components:
Three recorded examples of your best original works or productions. Works can be original songs, arrangements and/or various recorded productions or media compositions (jingles, film cues, recordings of your engineering skills if you are more of an audio specialist, and the like).
A typed document describing the roles, credits, technologies and efforts you used in creating the works. We need to know what we are listening to and a detailed explanation of what part you had in its creation. Printed scores, charts and supporting documents may be included.
A résumé-type document that includes any other information such as software skills, audio technical knowledge, any additional musical and technical background and experience that would make you desirable as a Commercial Music candidate.
These items can be submitted electronically or by mail via CD and a portfolio binder.
The Portfolio will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Composition / Writing
Sonic Quality
Technical Knowledge
Portfolios may be submitted either electronically or in a physical form with an audio CD or DVD and hard copies of documents and enclosures. Electronic submission: Compress all relevant files into a “.zip” file labeled with your name, ie.
DO NOT send us a shared link to Google Drive, Drop Box, YouTube or any other cloud based storage for your main portfolio. (You may include hyperlinks in your documentation for supplemental works if desired)
Your total .zip file size should be less than 300 MB.
If you have any questions contact the School of Music Admissions office at: 801-422-2660 email:
Physical submission: Place all documents and an audio CD in a folder and label it “Portfolio Submission” and deliver or mail to: School of Music Admissions Commercial Music 3209 Music Building Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602-6410 Recordings and portfolios will not be returned to the applicant. Please do not submit original documents or master recordings.
Application Process – Current Music Majors
Current BYU School of Music majors that are interested in transferring into the commercial music program should speak with the division coordinator, Ron Saltmarsh.