Spring 2024
Sharing The Light
Fulfilling Prophecy
The BYU School of Music is in a unique position to be a powerful tool of the Lord in fulfilling prophetic visions and charges. The prophetic charge from President Nelson to become fully engaged in the gathering of Israel is one we take very seriously. We believe firmly in the power of sharing light and are continually looking for ways we can share that light. The prophet Joseph Smith declared, “The truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished.” We are committed and dedicated to helping that truth sound in every ear and penetrate every continent.
Many of you have visited us in the new Music Building and have enjoyed concerts and recitals in the wonderful new venues. We believe this new building is more than just bricks and mortar constructed for a relatively short time of use. This building was conceived, designed, approved, and constructed to fulfill specific prophetic purposes. The physical beauty of the venues and the acoustic design are stunning and exquisite, to be sure. But looking more deeply at the infrastructure of this building you find the means to stream every concert and recital throughout the world! We are already reaching many locations around the globe through our live streams and more viewers are added each concert.
Throughout May and July, performing groups from the School of Music will perform throughout Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and South Korea. They will perform for thousands of people in these countries and will share the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through their music and their interactions with others.
We will continue to share our music and the light it can provide in the world through our live performances, streamed concerts, and touring ensemble performances. Please help us share the light! You can do so by sharing the streaming information (musicstreaming.byu.edu
With Appreciation,