The deadline for the online application is December 1. Failure to submit all required materials by the deadline may prevent review of the application. All applicants are considered for financial awards and assistantships without additional application.
Contains General Application, Degree, and Entrance Exam Information.
24-25 Graduate Application Handbook
Brigham Young University’s School of Music offers a variety of graduate degrees.
1 December
Online application, with all supplemental materials
NOTE: Application closes 10:00 p.m. MST (not 11:59 p.m.)
15 January
Deadline to complete Graduate Entrance Exam.
Prescreening results for choral conducting and vocal performance are sent out.
1 March
Deadline to complete live auditions.
Applicant file evaluations by committee are completed and the notification of applicants begins.
1 April
Areas notify applicants of scholarship offers.
1 May
BYU School of Music enrollment decision deadline.
To be considered for admission into the School of Music you must apply to Brigham Young University.
Begin BYU Application (Domestic) | Begin BYU Application (International) | International Applicant Info |
The Graduate Entrance Exam (GEE) is required of all applicants to the School of Music. The exam should be completed by 15 January
Entrance Exam Info
The conducting and performance specializations have the additional requirement of an audition. Conducting applicants will be contacted directly to arrange an audition with the faculty. Performance applicants will arrange a time for an audition with your respective area. Please contact the Graduate Program Manager,
The graduate audition date is January 25. This is a tentative date; whether graduate auditions actually take place on that day or at another time is determined by the individual areas. Applicants should check with the area head for their primary instrument for more details on auditions.
Once all the information, the online application and supplemental materials, GEE, and audition (if needed) are complete, the evaluation process can begin. Your application and supporting material are reviewed by the faculty of your area of specialization and the Graduate Coordinator
Faculty hope to make their decisions by mid-March. You will be notified of your admission status soon after this date. You are then either recommended to the Office of Graduate Studies as acceptable for admission to regular or provisional degree-seeking status or as unacceptable for admission.
If you are approved for admission, notification is sent from Graduate Studies. Your status is not official until Graduate Studies receives all the necessary official documentation. (For example, Official Transcripts will now need to be sent to BYU Graduate Studies.) Please pay close attention to the correspondence from Graduate Studies, as it will indicate items that are still required.
Provisional Status
All provisions placed on a student’s admission to the program must be fulfilled and removed by the end of the second semester of enrollment or continuance in the graduate program will be terminated.
Tuition and Fees
You can find the current tuition rates here
The School of Music offers four types of graduate awards to both new and continuing students: assistantships, internships, performance awards, and scholarships. Please see your advisor for details. A student receiving a graduate assistantship may be expected to attend orientation meetings held during the latter part of the week preceding the start of fall semester.