Professionalism Policy
(Revised September 2023)
The School of Music strives to prepare its students to become teachers, scholars, and creative artists who adhere to the highest professional standards in the discipline of music and who conduct themselves according to the standards consistent with being disciples of Christ and the university’s mission. We desire to instill best practices that, as students begin their professional careers, will reflect positively on each student, the School of Music, and the university. School of Music faculty, administration, and staff will mentor and counsel with students to establish these important professional habits and practices.
The School of Music Professionalism Policy references and is consistent with other BYU policies.
As members of the BYU community, we strive to be honest in our dealings with each other. We invite all members of the BYU School of Music community to respect the Honor Code
Conduct in Classroom Settings
It is expected that students will exhibit professional behavior by interacting respectfully with faculty, staff, and other students. Students should be on time, stay the duration of the class, and follow attendance policies, communicating any needed exceptions in a timely manner with faculty. Electronic devices may be used as directed for class work; students should avoid social media or texting activities unrelated to the tasks at hand. It is expected that students will contribute positively and respectfully to class discussion.
Professional Ethics and Behaviors
We are blessed to have wonderful facilities available to faculty and students within the School of Music at BYU. Facilities are for learning and academically-assigned purposes and should not be used for unapproved outside personal, commercial, or political purposes. All facilities, equipment, and instruments should receive proper care.
On School of Music sponsored tours, student teaching, study abroad, or other experiences, students should exhibit behaviors and attitudes consistent with the Honor Code and the values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Content in Scholarly and Creative Work
As summarized in our Mission Statement
Further guidelines are outlined in the university Academic Freedom Policy
- contradicts or opposes, rather than analyzes or discusses, fundamental Church doctrine or policy;
- deliberately attacks or derides the Church or its general leaders; or
- violates the Honor Code because the expression is dishonest, illegal, unchaste, profane, or unduly disrespectful of others.
As music majors, students are expected to follow their Major Academic Plan (MAP), enrolling in required music core classes in their first semesters as a major and continuing to progress through their academic plan.
Dress and Grooming
Our commitment to the dress and grooming standards
Appropriate dress and grooming for concerts and recitals is expected, especially considering we are streaming all performances worldwide. Individual professors may have specific guidelines with regard to performance attire.
As these important standards and guidelines are followed, students will receive valuable experience that will have direct application in future professional environments and circumstances.
We invite all members of the BYU School of Music to follow the Professionalism Policy. In doing so, we will be blessed with increased integrity, competency, consideration of others, and cooperation. We will be able to develop practices that will prepare us to succeed in our professions. We strive for holistic development and aim to do our part in the Mission of BYU